DVM Pavel Kvapil (October 2017)
2014 – until now Chief veterinarian in ZOO Ljubljana and animal shelter, Ljubljana
2008 – 2014 ZOO Ljubljana veterinarian (full time) and cardiology specialist in BUBA (private veterinary clinic, animal shelter for dogs, cats and exotic animals), Ljubljana
2005 – 2008 Veterinary surgeon and cardiologist at AA-vet s.r.o., Veterinary hospital Prague, Czech Republic
Two days – two activities:
- Lecture: ZOO animal welfare with focus on veterinary implementation of training and enrichment
Lecture will provide basic information about ZOO animal welfare and modern ways of improving quality life of animals in zoological collections. Positive reinforcement training and enrichment implemented for veterinary techniques and principles will be described to show possibilities of medical monitoring in exotic animal species.
- Lecture: Preventive veterinary health care in zoo animals
Lecture with focus on most important role of a veterinarian in the ZOO – preventive health care. System of control in hands of zoo veterinarian which is responsible for healthy lives of animals in zoological collections. Prevention of diseases as well as difficulties with curative part of veterinary work will be described.
Term: Beginning of October